Well now, as they say, another day another dollah!
well, another fortnight another hash!!
This last hash, Run Number 630, was very sparsley attended, probably due to the late information from the hare.
A grand total of 11 runners (including the hare).
A well, anyways, the run started off going from the BHC out past German.s onto water street, all the way down a past the Banks, Arcade and Stabroek Market ... did you know that the arcade is open on Sundays?
Past The old GNCB building and Min of Human Services, and a whole lot of streets later we ended up passing thru Bourda on our way to the National Park ... and thence the seawall. Out onto the beach, all the way up past the Marriott site to the Demerara River. Along the Jetty to the (under construction) Coast Guard Stn., past the Light house and back to the BHC. New places seen new holes fallen into!
On On was back at RIHC's place in Lamaha gdns, where a good time was had by all, with one virgin recieving our attention!! Don't know if she had a good time too!!
Anyhoo, the next run will be on Sunday 29th April, meeting 9am at the BHC (British High Commission for you uneducated farrts out there) on Main street .... cars needed, so bring em!!! 4x4s preferred, but not totally necessary. Lots of dry white sand on the trail in.
Hares will be Rebel, ChopSuzuki and Tall But Small.
Swim gear is suggested, but as I have said before, we dont mind u skinny dipping!! all except Wussy Pussy!!!! Aaaaarrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhhh!!!! horrible thought!!!!
Bring along virgins for us to deflower please!!!
See ya there
Birthing of banana
6 days ago