Yes hashers it is that time again for a night of terror, fun
and excitement, join the Guyana hashers for our annual Halloween Hash and
Costume Party!!! Food and Party Décor by
Ginger Lickie Lickie, trail by 2$ suckie
suckie and Yum Yum; meaning the entire hash will be Yum Yum. Dress in any costume of your choice, the
best dress couple will win a night with Chucky. The hasher who wears the best
single costume will win, a solo night with Chunky in the burial ground with
bloody merry.. Also prizes will be
awarded for the most creative costume.
When: Friday October 31, 2014: Hares are 2$ Suckie Suckie, Ginger Lickie Lickie and Yum Yum. Where:
A run around town with Chucky: Hash Cash: G$3000 for the additional
drinks and food. Meet UP time: 5:30
p.m. In front Main Street Plaza Hotel,
Opposite British High Commission.
Crescent moon and nine cats.
20 hours ago