Monday, October 20, 2014

Guyana Hash Run #:692: Halloween Costume Hash Run and Party

Yes hashers it is that time again for a night of terror, fun and excitement, join the Guyana hashers for our annual Halloween Hash and Costume Party!!!  Food and Party Décor by Ginger Lickie Lickie, trail by 2$ suckie  suckie and Yum Yum; meaning the entire hash will be Yum Yum.   Dress in any costume of your choice, the best dress couple will win a night with Chucky. The hasher who wears the best single costume will win, a solo night with Chunky in the burial ground with bloody merry..  Also prizes will be awarded for the most creative costume.    When: Friday October 31, 2014: Hares are 2$ Suckie  Suckie,  Ginger Lickie Lickie and Yum Yum.   Where:  A run around town with Chucky: Hash Cash: G$3000 for the additional drinks and food.  Meet UP time: 5:30 p.m.  In front Main Street Plaza Hotel, Opposite British High Commission.

Sunday, October 5, 2014


GUYANA HASH HOUSE HARRIERS RUN #691: SUNDAY AFTER LUNCH AND HASH AND LIME: Okay wankers enough of your drinking, time for some action.  Hash Run number 691 will be a Sunday Afternoon Lime a solid run and some fun.   We will have some swimming so pack your swim suites.  Hares are Larry yes that right Larry and his beautiful wife Melanie assisted by Yap Jack.  Larry is known for his Army type trails, so let see what he has in store for us.  Meet up time 12:00 noon Sunday, October 12, 2014.  Hash Cash G2, 500.  Where do we meet?  In front Main Street Plaza Hotel, opposite British High Commission? See you all there ON! ON! WANKERS