Hash - Lube Job's Farm at Moblissa Creek
On On - under a bridge on the Soesdyke-Linden Highway
On On continued - Baby Jesus's place
On On - under a bridge on the Soesdyke-Linden Highway
On On continued - Baby Jesus's place
Part I - Girls out front for Baby Jesus' last run
(and he didn't even show up)
Soesdyke junction: the Hash's favorite pick-up spot.
Where are all the men?
Front-running is fine,
but the view is much better in the back:
It wouldn't be a Guyana hash without a blackwater creek.
We're family friendly too.
What goes down,
Must slog up.
And up.
Midget in front:
Looking tired...
Bush is better:
GM throws this easy fish back in the creek:
Back into the light:
Since when did hashers start carrying purses?
Hitch-hiking harriettes usually want a ride in a car.
These harriettes just want to ride the guy with the big feet.
Another long, long road:
Finally, we can start drinking and stop pretending that we enjoyed the run.
This dude got it in his ear:
Some hashers just come for the food:
Try not to get in between Poke-her-hontas and the cook-up!
The Geddes Grant Triplets do everything together:
Mum, mum good:
Hariettes favorite:
This is what hashing is really about:
It started as an innocent game of ball:
But is it the football she's trying to grab, or some or kind of ball?
Whatever it was, ALL the guys have smiles on their faces:
Judging by the expression on his face, it looks like she found what she was looking for:
Now the girls are going after each other. Notice how the guys are still smiling.
These gals just like to watch:
GHHH family photo (the better half):
Bye-bye to Baby Jesus:
What's she looking at???