Run 576
Location: Lusignan Golf Course Road
Hares: Sperm Bank, Gypsy Bitch
Date: 27th September, 2008
Another good hot day in the sun ...
The Hash met outside the BHC at 3.00pm as usual, but did not leave for the run site until 3.40pm coz the hares decided that since the run was a short one, we did not need to be there so early.
A grand total of 11 persons turned up for the run (actually a walk) which started at the old Golf Course club house, went down the dam which continued at the end of the road, past the Prison, up a false trail on the GuySuCo dam, around the prison alongside the aromatic east coast garbage dump, into one of the young cane fields, to the end of the field, ending there in a false right by a canal.
Back to the check point, up the dam running alongside the Golf course on the other side (not the side with the road) past a big stack of firewood surrounded by earth to be burnt for road/dam works for GuySuCo, up close to the end of the Golf Course, then the Hares decided that it would be a good idea to take the hash through a drainage trench (not an irrigation canal) that was filled with the effluent from both the garbage dump and the prison!!!
Gypsy Bitch and FRPB in an effort to persuade the hash to cross, waded through the waist deep muck, and went across the golf Course back to the start of the run, while the rest of the Hash, yours truly included, backtracked all the way around to where the cars were parked.
After a few drinks at the clubhouse, the On On was held on the seawall in front of Industry (Gypsy Bitch's area), and a good time was had by all.
3 virgins were deflowered right there on the wall and The HM was punished for not going through the trench!!
Crescent moon and nine cats.
20 hours ago