The Linden Hash
Sunday, 16 August 2009
Well People, those of you who didn't come to the Linden run missed out on a good one!!
25 runners and 2 johnny come laters turned up.
Got off to a late start (as usual) left the BHC at about 10.30am, and got up to Linden about 11.50, then had to wait while the hares got themselves organised with the drinks etc.
Birdy Num Num and Suck Me, Suck Me did a good slightly short trail on the other side of Wismar.
Fresh running terrain .... never been done by the hash before!! ...
Parked the cars at a creek behind Wismar .... lot of people enjoying their Sunday there.
Ran through some old mine pits (slightly filled in) and across a ridge with lots of false trails criss- crossing the back trail, so some confusion, but all in all a good effort.
Ended up back at the Wismar creek but the noise level there had gone up too much, so we decided to go to one of the less crowded creeks on the highway for the ON ON.
The last hashers left the creek at about 7.00pm
Anyhow, The next run will be on Sunday August 30th. at 9.30am, meeting at the British High Commission to leave 10am waiting for latecomers. If you need a ride, just meet us at the BHC or give the GM a call (619-7011)
Hash cash will again be $2000.00
We will be convoying up to Mahaicony, on the East Coast Demerara.
Hares will be Gypsy Bitch and Stephen Patterson.
See you there
Crescent moon and nine cats.
23 hours ago
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